Thursday, October 16, 2008

Beer Review: River Horse Belgian Freeze

River Horse Brewing Company Belgian Freeze Winter Ale

Ah, the winter seasonals. Gotta enjoy them while they last. Pours a very dark amber color with a very thick head that sticks around for a while. Aroma is of quality fresh hops and strong Belgian yeast. I get some smoky Belgian yeast flavors. Definitely unique. Few winter beers dare to go into the rich and experimental territory of the Belgian freeze.

Flavor is solid Belgian. There is no substitute for quality Belgian ale and this one doesn't substitute. The smoky flavor is very distracting however. Tastes good but could be much more clean.

This is a good, readily available Belgian ale. I just wish it wasn't so smoky. If it was a bit smoother and hoppier I would be a very happy man. You won't hate this beer but you will miss the beer that this could have been. Smoke just isn't enough.

Final Score: 81% (Average Belgian Ale. Too Much Smoke)

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