Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Beer Review: Sly Fox Rt 113 IPA

Sly Fox Brewing Company Route 113 India Pale Ale

Gotta love canned beer. Especially hoppy canned beer. I wish all beers were available in this light weight super protective medium. The IPA pours a rich amber color with a very long lasting lace filled caramel head. Aroma mainly of sweet malt.

The flavor is well balanced for an IPA of this size (a whopping 113 IBU with 7% ABV)! Somehow the malt profile is sweet and full enough to mostly balance the normally tongue blistering hops. Very nice beer. You really do get both worlds, sweet bready malt upfront with hops following shortly behind. Mainly grassy hop flavors, I don't get much in the citrus family. The aftertaste is a little strong with the bitterness but with a beer like this can't really avoid that.

This is an excellent example of a big beer that somehow always leaves you wanting more. I definitely recommend this for hop heads but those that aren't big on large hoppy IPAs should avoid this (if these people exist). I could definitely have a couple of these on any given night.

Final Score: 85% (Big, Hoppy, and Balanced)

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